RIKKE FLENSBERG 26.-27. janúar
Laugardaginn 26. janúar kl. 14.00 opnar danska listakonan Rikke Flensberg myndlistarsýninguna LUME í Populus tremula. Rikke, sem dvelur í Gestavinnustofu Gilfélagsins, vinnur með ljósmyndir, video, þrívíða myndlist og innsetningar. Á sýningunni verða nýjustu verk listakonunnar.
Sýningin verður einnig opin sunnudaginn 27. janúar frá kl. 14.00-17.00. Aðeins þessi eina helgi.
A solo exhibition by guest artist at Gil Society, Rikke Flensberg, educated from Malmö Art
Academy (MFA) in 2009, based in Copenhagen, Denmark.
www.rikkeflensberg.com / Contact information: rikkefj@hotmail.com
The Danish artist Rikke Flensberg has a background in the field of photography, video,
sculpture and installation.
With a distinctive interest for reality contra fiction and the limits in between, she challenges the
2 dimensional looking at the nature as an ongoing mutual process in humans, the imaginary
becomes a landscape of utopia aswell as a dystopian paradigm.
The work of Rikke Flensberg is a mythological language, that visualizes the physical structure
and substances of the earth and the world as volatile, variable and ever changing.
A parallel between the experience of changing feelings towards everyday life as an individual
and natures sudden changes for better or worse, is present in her work.
Whether you would experience reality and fiction as parallels or opposites, Rikke describes
a 'something' in between the two. A leak into a parallel universe or entry into the real, where the
two notions are not separated but more likely one.
Through Illusion, use of dimensions and perspective, reflections of elements she represent what
is known different, both in form, material and subject.
'Lume' is a solo exhibition and a presentation of the newest work by Rikke Flensberg.
Welcome to the exhibition and the opening.